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INFLeXions No. 1- How is Research-Creation? (May 2008)

Smooth Plane: A journey of Nomadology 001 by Yuk Hui


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Is there a dichotomy between movement and speed? Why Deleuze chooses
speed over movement in his nomadology? This artwork tries to rethink
the idea of nomadology, by critisizing that speed remains a subjective
factor of the nomad and the horse being controlled, and provoking that
what really matters is not  only speed, instead it is largely
determined by the ecology of the outside, a smooth plane which
constitute the possibility of movement and its division of time, speed

Y a-t-il une dichotomie entre le mouvement et la vitesse ? Pourquoi Deleuze a-t-il choisi la notion de vitesse plutôt que celle du mouvement dans sa nomadologie ? Ce travail artistique tente de repenser l’idée de la nomadologie en argumentant que la vitesse demeure un facteur subjectif du nomade et du cheval contrôlé. Provoquer ce qui compte vraiment n’est pas seulement affaire de vitesse, mais est largement déterminé par l’écologie du dehors, un plan lisse qui constitue la possibilité de mouvement et sa division du temps, la vitesse.

  INFLeXions No. 1 (May 2008)
How is Research-Creation?

edited by Alanna Thain

Affective Commotion
Alanna Thain

Creative Propositions for Thought in Motion
Erin Manning

The Thinking-Feeling of What Happens: A Semblance of a Conversation
Brian Massumi

Clone your Technics! Research-Creation, Radical Empiricism and the Constraints of Models
Andrew Murphie

Thinking Spaces for Research-Creation
Derek McCormack

Infinity in a Step: On the Compression and Complexity of a Movement Thought
Stamatia Portanova

edited by Christoph Brunner and Natasha Prevost

Systèmes des Sons

Frédéric Lavoie

What is a Smooth Plane? A journey of Nomadology 001
Yuk Hui

Amélie Brisson-Darveau

Fugue Marc Ngui: Diagrams for Deleuze & Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus
Bianca Scliar Mancini

Diagrams for Deleuze & Guattari's A Thousand Plateaus
Marc Ngui

This Was Now; Terrains of Absence
Mark Iwinski